
In accordance with order №27-5-6 / 253 dated December 30, 2020 of the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
In 2023, every individual or legal person (regardless of the type of transport: walking, private or public transport, bicycle, etc.) should be charged a fee due to the annual increase of the monthly calculation indicator (1 MCI) of 3450 tenge) The total amount per day of stay is 545 tenge, including:

  • 345 tenge based on article 589-592 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan are a tax deduction in the amount of 0.1 MCI for the use of a specially protected natural area.
  • 200 tenge per person is charged according to the tariffs, according to the same order, for the provision of services for sanitary cleaning and landscaping of the territory of the Ile-Alatau SNNP.

According to clause 2, clause 1-1, article 38 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, protected areas are charged from tourists, with the exception of fees from retired people, the disabled, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of military operations on the territory of other states, veterans equated in benefits to veterans Great Patriotic War, labor veterans and preschool children.
In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 590 of the tax code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, individuals permanently residing in settlements and (or) having summer cottages located within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas are not payers of fees.