Schmalhausen flower full of secrets

On October 30, scientific staff of the National park Zhaparkulov T. M. and Tursinbai K. S. from the Medeu branch conducted monitoring observations of the Schmalhausenia plant (Schmalhausenia nidulans) growing at an altitude of 3340 m above sea level in the Greater Almaty forestry. This plant is not widely studied worldwide and is not used for commercial purposes, although it plays an important role in the ecosystem. The flowers attract insects such as bees and butterflies, which contribute to plant reproduction and the overall biological diversity of the region. This was witnessed by specialists during the field service. The dead body of a honeybee was found there. Bees don’t seem to be able to get in and out to collect pollen from said plant. Given the limited range of Schmalhausenia, it is important to protect its habitat from extinction and invasive species.



ҒЗЖ және ТАБӘ бөлімінің кіші ғылыми қызметкері Тұрсынбай К.С.