The campaign “Help nature to live!” was held

In the Kotyrbulak forestry in the Tyksai gorge, students of the Rostok school forestry of the specialized Lyceum No. 8 named after Yu. Gagarina held an environmental campaign “Help nature to live!”.


The environmental campaign was actively attended by 5th and 6th grade students engaged in the school forestry “Rostok” under the leadership of Dikolchuk Zoryana Miroslavovna. Together with the ecologist-educator of the Ile-Alatau SNNP Talgar branch A. Shalgynbayeva, lyceum students collected acorns for winter feeding of the inhabitants of wild animals of the national park. Young ecologists of the Rostok school forestry drew drawings on posters, made crafts from autumn leaves and acorns. It has already become a tradition for young ecologists to provide assistance in foraging for the inhabitants of the fauna of the Ile-Alatau National Park. The children enjoyed working in the bosom of nature, admired the landscapes of the mountains, the beautiful colors of autumn, played games and answered the questions of the eco-quiz. All participants of the environmental campaign “Help nature to live!” received a lot of good emotions, were charged with the energy of nature and continued the educational process with renewed vigor.
Such environmental actions help to develop a sense of responsibility for each person for the world that surrounds us and helps to foster responsibility and a sense of patriotism in the younger generation.