The phenomenon of repeated flowering of tree branches in autumn

By repeated (secondary) flowering of trees, we mean the phenomenon of additional flowering, which occurs after the main flowering period. In natural conditions, repeated flowering can be observed in mid-autumn, when the weather is unusually warm. This phenomenon can be caused not only by exposure to temperature, but also by various factors, such as the availability of nutrients in plants, hormonal imbalance or genetic characteristics of certain tree species. It is known that such an unexpected moment in the plant world gives autumn a picturesque appearance.
It should be noted that repeated flowering is not typical for all types of trees. It can also be a common occurrence on some types of trees. In addition, repeated flowering does not necessarily reflect the health of the tree or affect its overall growth and development.


This year, specialists of the scientific department of the national park, during the monitoring of the condition of shrub trees in autumn, witnessed the resumption of the life cycle of a number of plant species, in addition to the fact that the leaves of the trees turn red and yellow and fall off. The first of them is the broad-brimmed rosehip (Rosa platyacantha). This species, belonging to the Rosaceae family, begins to bloom in natural conditions in May-June. However, at the end of September, when experts saw a flowering rosehip, they were surprised at the moment of its re-flowering and took a photo report. In addition, this autumn, you can observe the mass appearance of shoots from the tips of the stems of the ash willow (Salix cinerea L). It is also a phenomenon that usually occurs in the spring. This painting was also observed in the courtyard of the National Park Administration, in which a viburnum bush (Latin Viburnum) was planted for decorative purposes, whose partial flowering attracted attention. In natural conditions, the flowering period of this plant begins in May and lasts until mid-June.



 Автор: Кіші ғылыми қызметкер Турсымбай К.С.