The beautiful Alatau crocus that blooms in spring

Crocus alatavicus is an early spring flower that belongs to the family of Iridaceae and is famous for its purple, yellow, white, and sometimes striped flowers. Crocus alatavicus usually has thin, grass-like leaves. The flowers consist of six petal-like stamens located in a tube. When it comes to growing conditions, hollyhocks are adaptable and can thrive in a variety of conditions, but they generally prefer partial shade to well-drained soil and full sun. They usually grow a lot in meadows, on hillsides. Its peculiarity is that the flowers often bloom in the spring and add beauty to the nature after the winter months. In the oral literature and cultural traditions of the people, the marigold flower symbolizes joy, youth, and the arrival of spring. Buttercups are relatively resistant to pests and various diseases. However, this plant is often threatened by fungal diseases and rodents that dig up worms. Also, as one of the herbaceous plants included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the protection of the places where it grows under natural conditions is very important. A fine of 0.5 MCI, i.e. 1846 tenge, is imposed for the illegal plucking of the crocus alatavicus and the damage caused to each specimen. We, specialists in the study of plant cover, are interested in promoting the protection of the crocus and its natural growth conditions to local residents and tourists. You too, dear reader, can help this work by renewing awareness through special public engagements and potential.

The period of mass flowering of the crocus alatavicus in the territory of the Ile-Alatau MTP coincided with the beginning of March. Specialists of the science department, while conducting monitoring at the place where the crocus alatavicus is blooming in abundance (at 1010 m above sea level), captured the moment of blooming of another beautiful flower of March – Gagea, along with the crocus.


The author is junior researcher Tursynbay K.S.